Social Rowing

Have fun, socialise and meet new people

We are a social bunch at Power House Rowing Club. We recognise that not everyone wants to row to compete. Some people want to row for fitness, fun and comradere.

Our social rowing squad is geared towards those who

  • want to learn the basic skills of rowing
  • are interested in mantaining/ developing fitness and strength
  • want to connect with new people and make new friends

Our social squad is open to rowers from 18 years or older, as long as you have a reasonable level of fitness and can swim, but you must want to have fun!

You can put your name down to row as much or as little as you like, and you can attend club social functions (and even use the gym). We have lots of options available, with session available several times a week, generally in the morning, afternoon-early evening and Saturday mornings.

To become a social rowing squad member, you are required to be a member of Power House Rowing Club. We also offer a learn to row program that runs for 5 weeks.

Explore Membership Options Contact us to find out more



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