
Powerhouse Development Rowing Squad 2024

Published Tue 30 Apr 2024

Cameron Hall started rowing in May 2023 via St Catherine’s Parents Learn to row program based out of Mercantile Rowing Club. Over four sessions the group learnt to row, then undertook a mini regatta as the culmination. Following that program 6 parents decided they were keen to continue to learn rowing and in July 2023 (with Alex Wilcox’s influence) the group joined Powerhouse Rowing Club. Since then the development group has added another 5 members and continues to welcome new rowers irrespective of what stage of rowing they are at.

The renewed Powerhouse Rowing Club Development Squad (we also like to use the terms “Older Beginners” or “Returning Rowers”) completed it’s first season in 23/24 and continues to grow in numbers.

The squad originated in July ’23 from parents who had completed Learn to Row programs at Wesley and St Caths and has continued to grow as friends, contacts and some former rowers have joined in. It is now at a point where there are regularly two coxed quad crews going out twice a week. There is a revolving base of around 12 people and there is always room for more to join, no matter what stage of rowing you are at.

The intention is that individuals will progress through the initial development stages and once capable will be integrated into other crews and different boats across the club. Some members have already gained some experience in pairs, sweep rowing in fours and even the eights! Watch out feature races, here we come!! There is even a chance that some will try a single scull in the not too distant future – look out for the splash!

After a lot of patience, support and encouragement, the Dev Squad competed in three regatta’s over the season being Ballarat, Carrum and with two mixed quads, a female quad and a male quad at Albert Park to finish the season. Each race was a 1km event and the performances steadily improved as the season went on. The highlight was Albert Park where the two Dev Squad crews were also pitted against a well experienced Powerhouse Club crew in the same race. 

Overall the squad has continued to develop and advanced their skills well over the past 10 months under the very experienced guidance of Helen Menhennitt, Bella Hall, Abi Schlicht and Angus Passon as the coxes and in-boat coaches. Also a huge thanks to Chris Schlicht, Emily Harridge and Lacinta Rodriquez who have coordinated the group and ingrained them into the club building strong relationships and most importantly having a lot of fun along the way.

Cameron Hall
Powerhouse Rowing Club - Development Squad Rower



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