
Captains Report May 2023

Published Mon 08 May 2023

The Season that was

Congratulations to our members who participated in the Grade Season and Masters Season Regattas. An extra special congratulations to  those who participated in both Seasons.

Some of our members continue their training representing Powerhouse at the Masters Nationals in Penrith. Priority for equipment will go to these athletes.

Thank you to Atcho who drove our trailer to all regattas and to Springy and Deb Spring for representing PHRC as umpires saving our members from undertaking BRO duties.  Also, to our coxes Helen Mac, Deb S and Helen Men for coxing and keeping our crews on the water for training sessions. Our members appreciate your efforts.

Best wishes and congratulations to Emily Harridge who has been selected to represent Victoria in the Womens State 8+. Emily is seated in Stroke Seat!!  Her hard work has paid off and is very well deserved

Moving forward …..

Head Season

Some of our members will continue training their crews for the Masters Nationals whilst others will begin training for the upcoming Head Season.  There are 8+s squad training sessions available to be booked on the training spreadsheets. I appreciate that our members have differing expectations and training availabilities.  We will attempt to group rowers into crews with similar availabilites.  We expect some members to row once a week or less with Head of the Yarra as their target.  Others prefer to train more often, be competitive  and attend all Head Race Regattas.

The minimum expectation for our competitive crews will be:

  • one Session in the 8+
  • one session in a 4 and
  • one ergo session per week.

Other weekly activities and boat classes will be up to the individual.  Competitive crews will receive equipment  priority.  After chatting with many of you it seems that our competitive members prefer to row with competitive members even if it is a Mixed Crew. For the time being we will get 8s on the water now  and sort it out in the coming months.  We  look forward to our Master National rowers joining us regularly in June.  RV will release Head Race Regatta dates soon.


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